Henkilön Scott Klumb profiili

Understanding and Managing Autistic Meltdowns

The owner of SMK Media Production LLC in Boulder, Colorado, Scott Klumb has more than 10 years of filmmaking experience, having also worked as a contract employee at ESPN in Breckenridge. Scott Klumb, a Boulder, Colorado, resident, is also interested in topics that focus on assisting people with autism in managing issues like meltdowns.

Autistic meltdowns are intense reactions triggered by overwhelming sensory, cognitive, or emotional stimuli. For instance, a child with autism who is sensitive to loud noises may become anxious and lose control in a noisy crowd or at a party with loud music. Signs of distress can include crying, screaming, covering ears, running away, or displaying aggression.

However, autistic meltdowns are not the same as temper tantrums. Meltdowns result from triggers, while tantrums are deliberate attempts to get attention or what one wants. Unlike tantrums, meltdowns can occur in anyone with autism, not just children and teenagers.

To prevent autistic meltdowns, individuals should avoid or quickly exit trigger environments. Those sensitive to noise can use noise-canceling earphones and play soothing music, while those sensitive to light can wear sunglasses.

If an individual with autism experiences а meltdown, they should move to a quiet and safe space to help them calm down. Others should minimize verbal communication and anything that may exhaust the affected individual further. Giving the person time to recover allows them to regulate their emotions and prevent the meltdown from worsening.
Understanding and Managing Autistic Meltdowns

Understanding and Managing Autistic Meltdowns
