Eown Purkiss's profile

Gravitas: Logo Stationary Design

Logo & Business Stationary Design
Problem: Client's Stage Rigging company logo didn't have the character and overall message they desired. They wanted to be more involved in the process, and see the possibilities that could add a proper weight to their companies identity. With the possibility of new business cards and cover letter, it was time to make the change.

Solution: We created logo that better shows what the company is about, giving the proper weight and meaning that comes with Gravitas. Showing proof of concept mockups whilst also providing ready for print files for if/when the client decides to print.
Old Logo
Rough Progress 

The client and I communicated via email about what direction they wanted to take. 
At the start of the project, we thought to play with something stylized that included bright and dark contrasting colours; but then thought better of it as it became too distracting from the overall design.

With the near final draft (bottom of the image), we both happily agreed to keeping the logo more grounded. Showing the company in a proper professional light, and the literal meaning of the word Gravitas.

New logo applied to Stationary Design Package
Keeping emphasis on Gravitas by using Palatino Linotype, I still wanted to include some sort of visual to comfortably nest with the text of the company name. 

In-between emails, my client informed me of a job they were working on at the time that better explained certain visuals they were trying to convey. Thanks to this, the visuals of the truss's came to light. 

(The column's that are placed vertically, left of the company text)
Gravitas: Logo Stationary Design


Gravitas: Logo Stationary Design
