Our life is inundated with graphics. Logos, signs, icons show up on our retina every seconds. Graphics don’t have any meaning by themselves. However, since they have been used in multiple purposes: politics, commercials, and cautions; they have been remembered by us. In our brain, every graphics are been saved as a noun as their meanings.
Literally, graphic is just visual signals are static. Their meanings give them their form we seem. However, what happened if we abandon the meaning behind them, and use motion to link them? When two single graphic been linked together, does any new meaning will show up in our brain?
I picked some graphic elements from my life in New York. They are logos, signs, icons and screenshots in my daily life. In the process I linked them, I found that is easy to find connection points between them in an absolutely visual angle. Also I am curious: If graphics can transmit meaning. Can the audiences understand what life I have experienced through watching graphics from my life? 
Motion Designed by Michael Yuan
Music: by Lemâitre
A Graphical New Yorker

A Graphical New Yorker

I picked some graphic elements from my life in New York. They are logos, signs, icons and screenshots in my daily life. In the process I linked t 閱讀更多
