Ryder Clegg's profile


Gerry's is a healthy, nutritious brand. I have chosen to design a prototype based around Gerry's organic roots, as i want to keep that organic, healthy message that they intend on growing into. Their main focus is rediscovering themselves as a brand. “We know who we were, we think we know who we are now”. Through this process and discovering little things that we could bring back and evolve. They want to stick to their neutral tones so that is something I will focus on when creating an idea for their brand.
Designing a logo for Gerry's brand was important to pay attention to detail. I stand for Gerry's brand and would love to share my opinions on what could be changed to the brand as a whole to bring in newer consumers and assure that Gerrys is still to it's core, but up lifted to form more relationships with companies, and people. 
Gerry's logo I felt to uplift it more I really became interested in "Hand rolled dough everyday" I haven't heard of this until I did research into the brand and found out their unique and entising background story. I feel as this should be represented and brought into their product as the story would bring more people in.
When creating this logo, I went for more of the hands on dough appeal to really advertise that the dough used for their bread and wraps is authentic, organic, freshly made in their factory. The story of Gerry's background I also feel should be advertised on their packaging more, to let consumers know insight into the brand that makes them more included and will make people more interested in other products that Gerry's does.
Using this colour palette I felt was very important as I wanted to keep the same colours as Gerry's has been to stick to their roots. Keeping the soft beige colour, black and light green, but as there are different products, I would change the outlined font of what the product name is to be. 
Following through my packaging, I went onto researching into social media, and what aspects should be added to get more of a following and reach more connections and people out globally. I created what the feed would appear like on Gerry's instagram and how this marketing tactic of a beautiful feed can attract newer consumers. 
This type of feed for their instagram is very appealing to the eye. Adding close up mages of healthy, greens. Adding in photos of hands rolling dough, kneading dough, making the dough, even the ingredients all show and emphasise their a very hands on brand. Creating this tactic makes people remember what their brand is and therefore going back to their background and their roots. Overall giving their look a refresh and adding more aesthetics that appeal to the newer generation and giving healthy and nutritious to others. Applying these strategies and a hands on dough new look, the colours used still bring them back to where they started, and can just elevate Gerry's look and informing consumers on what their about, which is creating healthy bread and wraps but being fun in the aspect of media, packaging, and marketing. 



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