Perfil de Lauri Tikerpe

The Story Of Blonde Monk and Dark Nun

The brand story for a tap beer Blonde Monk and Dark Nun. It's rooted in Estonian history but still completely fabricated.
Words: Lauri Tikerpe
Art Direction & Identity: Magnus Kallas
Agency: Taevas Ogilvy
Client: A. Le Coq
The Story Of Blonde Monk and Dark Nun

Some 700 years ago a merry bacchanalia was held in the castle of Karksi to celebrate the purchase of a new trebuchet. Everyone ate, drank and sang until they lost their voice.
When the Headmaster of Order fell asleep with his head on the table, the merry knights draw a coat of arms of the rival order on his face with pig grease.
Then the local peasant girls came to dance with knights. The girls were all specially selected. One had to be with strong big bones, because merry knights who were all dressed in armor had a habit to fall over. So one had to be strong to keep this iron hulk up.
With the first rays of morning light also came the unpleasant surprise. The castle had run out of beer.
Using the great will power, the Headmaster gathered himself and sent a gofer to Franciscan abbey in nearby Viljandi. The Franciscan monks were widely known for their amazing brewing skills. 

Couple of hours later a huge beer keg rolled in the castle. The eyes of knights lit like the stars when suddenly they saw something startling behind the keg.
A blonde monk and a dark skinned nun!
Knights thought that Lucifer himself has come to punish them with terrible hallucinations because of their sins. Knights fell on their knees and prayed for the mercy of The Lord Almighty. They vowed to rethink their bad habits and live more humble life from now on.
After heavy praying knights opened their eyes and took a deep breath. The horrible vision had vanished. 
But the beer keg was there.

The knights wiped their foreheads from sweat and opened the beer keg. This beer was the best that they had tasted in their adventurous life.
Blonde Monk and Dark Nun were carved into the strange curves of history.
Blondi Munga ja Musta Nunna lugu
Pea 700 aastat tagasi toimus Karksi ordulinnuses suur pillerkaar, tähistamaks ordumeeste võitu maameeste üle. Söödi, joodi ja puhuti pilli kuni pill lõhki läks.
Korraks jäi ordumeister suure peolaua taha magama ning lõbusad ordurüütlid joonistasid searasvaga tema näole konkureeriva ordu märgi.
Vahepeal käisid ka kohalikud maapiigad ordurüütlitega tantsimas. Selleks oli välja valitud kõige suurema kondiga tüdrukud, sest raudrüüs lõbusad ordurüütlid kippusid pidevalt oma tantsupartneritele peale vajuma. Pidi ikka tugev piiga olema, kes sellist raudkolakat püsti jaksas hoida.
Hommikupäikese esimeste kiirtega saabus ebameeldiv üllatus – märjuke on otsas. Ordumeister saatis jooksupoisi Viljandi frantsisklaste kloostrisse, sest nood olid kuulsad oma õllepruulimise poolest.
Läks mööda mõni tund ning ordulinnuse pidusaali veeres sisse õllevaat. Ordumehed lõid juba suurest rõõmust käsi kokku pliks ja plaks, kui ootamatult ilmus vaadi tagant midagi hirmsat.
Heledapäine munk ja mustanahaline nunn!
Rüütlid arvasid, et Lutsifer ise kiusab neid hirmsate hallutsinatsioonidega nende patuelu eest. Nad langesid põlvili ja palusid Kõigevägevamalt andestust ning tõotasid edaspidi jumalakartlikumad olla.
Pärast ohtrat palvetamist avasid rüütlid silmad ning hirmus nägemus oli kadunud.
Õllevaat oli aga alles.
Rüütlid pühkisid hirmuhigi otsmikelt ja lõid vaadil punni eest.
See õlu oli parim, mida nad oma seiklusrohke elu jooksul olid pruukinud. Ja pillerkaar võis jätkuda.
Blond Munk ja Must Nunn olid aga igaveseks ajalukku kirjutatud.
The Story Of Blonde Monk and Dark Nun

The Story Of Blonde Monk and Dark Nun

Brand story for a tap beer


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