Robert Mervine's profile

Freehand illustrations

We lost a Cat that my wife and I loved, and one thing we always joked about was her attitude and how she would feel the house was better off if I were taken out. As a result, we came up with the Murda-Puss comics, where the cat would act out scenes that parody Iconic Horror movies. Above is the "Silence of the Lambs" playing off the fact that Jody Fosters character in the film was named "Agent Clarice Starling." It also plays off the famous Anthony Hopkins sound byte from the movie "Well hello Glarice."
Below is a scene from Halloween where a caracture of me gives the Dr. Loomis speech by Donald Pleasance.
 This image was a still life picture I drew of a Raven sitting atop a roof. I added some grays by use of marker to help bring depth into the picture. Just a little bit of attention to shadowing can really draw an image off the paper.
 Another picture of a Raven created using the same technique as the picture above. Do we sense a theme here?
 A large medieval warrior with sword and shield.
 A Viking chieftain ready for battle.
Freehand illustrations

Freehand illustrations

A collection of art done freehand.


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