Notebook assignment by Geertje Deforche
This notebook assignment was a way of capturing the daily and extraordinary struggles of the people around me during a 30-day period. By just paying attention to what problems people encounter, i learned empathy and i tried to understand what might possibly be going on in their minds. 
Out of the 27 problems, i selected my favorites. I hope they spark emotion in you, just as they did in me. 

Making the notebook learned me to pay attention to my surroundings. Although i usually prefer putting my headphones on in crouded places, this assignment challenged me to observe more, and in doing so you get to know strangers and friends better. This assignment helped me understand why it is valuable, when designing digital products, to really understand the problems people are facing, and hopefully serving them in a way that makes their daily life lighter and/or more enjoyable. 

'<<Geertje Deforche>> Student work 2023-2024 Experience Design 1
@Devine, Bachelor Digital Design and Development'
UX notebook

UX notebook


Creative Fields