The quote that was chosen for my Typography poster is from a popular series called One Piece, which recently came out with a Live Action Netflix season. “No matter how hard or impossible it is, Never lose sight of your goal”, Monkey D. Luffy. The treasure chest shows how Luffy and his pirate crew are set out to find the treasure of the One Piece. The stars inside of the chest are like gold and treasure. His hat- or Shank’s hat, who is Luffy’s childhood hero, sits upon the chest; Rather than inside because to Luffy, the hierarchy of his hat was worth more than anything. The waves that are on both sides of Monkey D. Luffy’s name is to show that they are out at sea. 
     I, also, chose this mockup and an extra wrinkled paper texture to have a similar look as if a Wanted poster or an older styled paper was used, because Luffy was always looking forward to his first wanted poster so that one day he would be King of the Pirates.
Typography Poster

Typography Poster



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