Joana Sá Coutos profil

Fole | Spinning top packaging

Packaging created for a traditional toy, a spinning top. The concept of the packaging involves the user interacting with it through a pattern created with folds that can be manipulated by flattening and straightening the paper. It is an adapted version of Yoshimura’s pattern, whose integrated shapes are triangles and trapezoids. The object is opened by attaching cut-outs and Velcro. The packaging is distinguished by the cord being placed around it, rather than inside, which also makes it easier to carry, as the cord is passed through the open top of the packaging, allowing it to be held by hand.


COURSE UNIT Packaging  
BRIEFING Margarida Azevedo
COLLEGE ESAD, Matosinhos 

College studies 3rd year

Fole | Spinning top packaging

Fole | Spinning top packaging
