Farrah Lam 的個人檔案

Gator Gap Social and Peer Advising App on Figma

A Figma prototype for a social and peer advising app that would help to solve these common issues amongst SFSU students: Finding support from peers, and limited availability of advisors within specific majors. High Fidelity Figma Prototype: https://www.figma.com/proto/arxlFZ1PLh7ggrmakLHuWQ/DES327-team-library?node-id=722-3058&starting-point-node-id=722%3A3058 Canva Pitch Presentation: https://www.canva.com/design/DAFifbRzuNA/utp4yN57HXnOhmM05cFJOg/edit?utm_content=DAFifbRzuNA&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link2&utm_source=sharebutton
Our team discussed which features included in the app would best solve the issues of lack of peer support and lack of advising availability amongst SFSU students. User testing of the UI began with paper prototypes as a fast and cost-effective way to receive feedback from SFSU students. Low fidelity prototypes in black and white were then built on Figma before finalizing with the full-color high-fidelity prototype.
Featuring the splash screen, home feed, and chatroom of our high-fidelity Figma prototype.
Featuring the option to make posts public or private amongst selected friends.
Gator Gap Social and Peer Advising App on Figma

Gator Gap Social and Peer Advising App on Figma

A project by Farrah Lam, Brittany Accetturo, Nayelli Zechman, Chaosangkhom (Zena) Xayalath, Christopher Felix Quintero.
