Profil Huy Tran

R56 Mk II Mini Hardtop Bodykit Design

R56 Mk II Mini Hardtop Bodykit Design

This project was a bodykit design for a R56 Mk II Mini Hardtop, commissioned by a client who wanted to give their car a more sporty and race-inspired look. The challenge was to create a design that was not a widebody, meaning that the car would keep the original wheel width, and that all the parts could be produced and installed on a real car without compromising functionality.
I had a lot of fun working on this project, as the client was very nice and collaborative. We went through several iterations and feedback sessions until we reached a final design that we both liked. Unfortunately, the client decided to go with a different direction for their car later on, but I’m really grateful for the opportunity to work with them and to showcase my design skills.
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R56 Mk II Mini Hardtop Bodykit Design


R56 Mk II Mini Hardtop Bodykit Design
