Sunderland Creatives
Sunderland Creatives is a vibrant platform dedicated to honouring the remarkable creativity of the Faculty of Arts and Creative Industries at the University of Sunderland. Our typographical identity artfully conveys the diverse creative disciplines offered at the university, always putting the spotlight on the work of the students.

Covid-19 restrictions meant it was not possible to host a traditional degree show to celebrate student’s achievements. With this challenge in mind, Everything developed an innovative solution. We designed a website that serves as a window to the world of creativity at Sunderland University, showcasing the exceptional talent within the faculty. 

The website has proven to be a resounding success, offering a platform for over 150 students to display their years of dedication and hard work to a global audience. 
Thanks to everyone involved at University of Sunderland and Alan McDonald for the website build.

Sunderland Creatives