Aleksandr Prilepov's profile

MINERVA × Concept × Logo design


About the project: 

Minerva or MNRV is a universal, multifunctional space for people who love to spend time or work in a pleasant atmosphere with a cup of delicious coffee or tea. And later in the evening, in the same place, meet with friends and discuss the past day over a mug of something stronger than coffee.

The name was not chosen by chance, because Minerva is the name of the ancient Roman goddess of wisdom and war, the patroness of artisans, writers, actors, poets, artists, teachers, students and doctors. Minerva is not a warlike goddess; all peaceful crafts, as well as the defense of cities from enemies, were under her protection.

And such a name is perfect for a space that positions itself as more than just a place where you can drink coffee during the day and alcohol at night. This is something more, this is a place where people who want solitude to create, reflect or communicate with like-minded people can find refuge. 
Under the protection of Minerva.

The logo is inspired by the image of Minerva herself and the classic, angular Roman patterns. The circle symbolizes the shield of the goddess, and the image on the shield is a pattern of spear tips, indicating the many facets and directions of crafts under the auspices of Minerva.

Development:  Aleksandr Prilepov


Thank you for watching.
This case turned out to be frankly short, but I hope to develop this idea into something more later, when there is an opportunity.

MINERVA × Concept × Logo design


MINERVA × Concept × Logo design
