Thomas Jansen's profile

Wieringen Ecological Freeway. Corridor to he Northsea.

Historical map of the former Island Wieringen.
This masterplan is based on reactivating the natural geographical features and restore breedingrounds for a variety of fish and other 'seafood' species. In the same time the outlet capacity of water will expand and a corridor to the IJsselmeer wil form. The divers landscape will attract tourists, Salt- Brackish and sweet water agriculture and other form of waterbased economy.  
This mengineering construction. It not only create a beautiful island environment with all typologies of water (Salt, brackish and Sweetwater). It enlarges the national waterdischarge, provides breedinggrounds for fish like haddock, free ecological passage to the IJsselmeer and last but not least it provides economical diversity (recreation, brackish water agriculture, fish framing and wind farming). Study-Project developed in 2003.
Wieringen Ecological Freeway. Corridor to he Northsea.

Wieringen Ecological Freeway. Corridor to he Northsea.

Strategy for Climate adaption as a chance for multiple land use (Ecology, Economy & Esthetics)
