Oy Vey! Cafe
A Menu Project
This menu design was the second project in my graphic design course. We were allowed to use no more than three typefaces and colors, and no graphics. The goal was to help us new designers feel confident using Adobe Photoshop and the design principles of repetition and contrast. 

I had so much fun brainstorming the name of the restaurant along with all the drink names and descriptions. I felt so clever! But what I enjoyed even more than brainstorming was creating the menu using contrasting fonts and repeating elements like the BOLD drink names and the italicized descriptions.

I used to think that the best graphic designs had to fill every tiny space on the board and had to have countless varieties of fonts and colors. After taking this course, I have learned that sometimes simple really is better. 
Oy Vey! Cafe

Oy Vey! Cafe
