Real-time Rendering and Simulation
I created rendering and simulation engine from scratch using javascript and web browser.
To synchronize multiple simulations across multiple machines, I migrated the first step of the simulation on a server and established simulation streaming using WebSocket protocols.

Lighting and Color Study
I wrote a GLSL lighting system with support for directional, point and ambient light.
Created a HTML GUI for the purpose of lighting and color study.

Shading and Effects
I wrote several GLSL shaders with skinning, procedural animation, lighting, texturing, transparency and fog.
Volumetric shadow faked with
camera.light-facing sprites.
Textures painted with Autodesk Mudbox

Procedural Modeling
Created several procedural modeling networks in Houdini.
Wrote a Houdini-to-WebGL geometry exporter using Python.

Web-based 3D Asset Viewer
For the purpose of​tech project at Google Creative Lab, I created an interactive viewport for the showcase of digital assets created by Mirada VFX company. Morphing/animation shader not written but optimized and customized by me.
All features of the viewer are written from scratch using open source Three.js javascript library.
List of features:
1. Dynamically loading/unloading models from a web server.
2. Lighting and animation controls.
3. Rendering to texture.
4. Post effects such as depth of field and screen-space ambient occlusion. 
5. Awesome HTML5 interface made with customized dat.gui library.

Biokinetic Interface
Used an OpenNI C++ library and modified one of the existing body tracking examples to send user's skeleton data from Kinect depth sensor to a web server over a TCP connection.
On the server-side, I forwarded the data to a web client using WebSockets protocols.
Used skeleton data to articulate and propel physics-based camera rig in a browser.

Selected old Work
Energy Plant - still image (Maya, Photoshop)
Fractal Broccoli – still image
(prman and text editor)
Paper Shutter – visual effects (Maya)

Reel Breakdown:​doc/​demorel%202011%20Breakdown.pdf

Demo Reel 2011
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