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Oesa Visual Brand Guidelines

Oesa Visual Brand Guidelines

An Ethereal Harmony of Nature and Ethical Beauty
Logos and Submarks

Oesa's logos and submarks are meticulously crafted, amalgamating simplicity with symbolic depth. These visual signatures embody the brand’s essence, ensuring an instant recall and consistent resonance across varied platforms and packaging. The subtle, elegant designs echo Oesa’s commitment to purity, ethical practices, and organic formulations.

In-Use Visuals

Demonstrating branding in action, Oesa's logos and submarks seamlessly meld into every touchpoint, from product packaging and promotional materials to digital platforms, reinforcing the brand’s holistic approach to ethical beauty through cohesive, consistent visual communication.


Weaving textual elements into the branding, the chosen fonts are a deliberate nod to minimalist elegance. Harnessing the power of simplistic, clean typography, the fonts complement the natural, unembellished allure of Oesa’s product range, providing legibility without overshadowing the visual appeal of the products.

Primary Colour Palette

Oesa's branding breathes through a handpicked palette inspired by the earth’s elemental beauty. Ethereal yet grounded earth-tones forge an aesthetic that whispers the serenity and raw beauty of nature into every product, while ensuring accessibility and visibility across all brand touchpoints.

Visual Direction

The overarching visual direction navigates through a landscape where ethics, organic purity, and aesthetic elegance coalesce. Every image, every hue, and every textual element is meticulously chosen to not just represent, but embody Oesa’s deep-rooted commitment to ethical, sustainable, and purely organic beauty.

Stay tuned for a deep dive into the creative journey, process insights, and the unseen concepts, where I unfold the pages from my design diary, sharing the blossoms and thorns from the pathway that led to crafting Oesa’s visual identity.

Oesa Visual Brand Guidelines


Oesa Visual Brand Guidelines

Oesa Visual Brand Guidelines
