Profil Amol Ashok Sahasrabudhe

A Gentle Guide: Cleaning Your Canine's Ears

A Gentle Guide: Cleaning Your Canine's Ears
Amol Ashok Sahasrabudhe explained that ensuring our pets are clean and healthy is a paramount responsibility of dog owner. One aspect often overlooked yet vital is regularly cleaning a dog's ears. Here's a simple guide to help you keep those floppy or pointy ears in tip-top shape. Dog's Ears are a haven for bacteria and yeast if not kept clean. Unlike humans, the canine ear canal is more vertical, making it easy for debris and moisture to be trapped, leading to potential infections.

Begin by gathering the necessary supplies. You'll need a good quality ear cleaner recommended by your vet, some cotton balls or pads, and treats for rewarding your pet post-cleaning. Always examine the ear first. Check for signs of infections like redness, swelling, or an unpleasant odor. It's best to consult a vet before proceeding if any of these symptoms are present.

Calm your dog before you begin. Cleaning can be a new sensation, so ensure they're relaxed. Holding them in your lap or having someone assist you by keeping the dog can be helpful.  Pour the ear cleaner into your dog's ear – but do not overdo it. A few drops to fill the canal are usually enough. Massage the base of the ear gently. You'll hear a squishing sound, which means the cleaner breaks up the debris inside.
Allow your dog to shake their head. This natural reaction helps to bring the loosened debris to the outer part of the ear.

Frequency is essential. Depending on the breed and activity level, some dogs might require weekly cleanings, while others might need it less often. While cleaning your dog's ears might seem daunting initially, it can become a straightforward task with patience and consistency. Always prioritize your pet's comfort and consult a veterinarian if you need clarification on any step in the cleaning process.
A Gentle Guide: Cleaning Your Canine's Ears

A Gentle Guide: Cleaning Your Canine's Ears


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