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Narges Mohammadi (Activist) Biography, Age, Awards

Narges Mohammadi is a famous Iranian human rights activist, journalist, and scientist. She is a Nobel Peace Prize winner in 2023. She has done many works for women’s rights and freedoms.

Narges grew up in 3 cities Qorveh, Karaj, and Oshnaviyeh.

Narges was good at writing from college, she wrote many articles supporting women’s rights and also published in newspapers.

Narges has written many books such as The Reforms, the Strategy, The Tactics, etc.

In 2003, Narges joined the “Defenders of Human Rights Center (DHRC)” which is a human rights organization then she became vice president of this organization.

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Narges Mohammadi (Activist) Biography, Age, Awards

Narges Mohammadi (Activist) Biography, Age, Awards
