Oksana Nikitenkos profil

Pan Parmesan. Сheese boutique

PAN PARMESAN. Cheese boutique
Retail concept: Oksana Nikitenko
Architects: Katya  
Customer: "Pan Parmesan"  
Project manager: Oksana Nikitenko
Project Area: 74 sq. m
Project Year: 2023
Location: Kyiv, Ukraine

The goal was to create a concept of a shop-cafe for the sale of cheeses from France and the Netherlands with tasting and selection of wine. Develop a cafe area that will organically fit into the space of the store and where customers can try cheeses, wine and signature bruschetta with cheese.
The atmosphere of the store, which conveys the mood of Dutch cheese shops, is created thanks to materials, textures, colors, bright hot yellow accents in the form of rounded chairs and lamps.
The store's customers can taste cheeses and salamis that are effectively presented in refrigerated display cases, choose wine, and buy high-quality olive oil and other products that taste good with cheeses.
Also, guests of the store will always find fresh bread and branded butter. You can taste delicious cheese bruschetta with wine or coffee with sweets near the panoramic windows in comfortable chairs, or at the bar where it is convenient to charge your phone or work at the computer.
Pan Parmesan. Сheese boutique


Pan Parmesan. Сheese boutique
