CEU BDE Rebrand: Breathing New Life into the Students' Council
Revitalizing the student council identity of CEU with a fresh brand ethos, logo, and comprehensive visual supports.

The "BDE" (the official name of the students' council) of CEU - a cornerstone of student representation and engagement - needed a brand that was both contemporary and resonant with the university's ethos. This rebranding effort was more than just a visual makeover; it was about capturing the spirit, aspirations, and dynamism of the student body. From conceptualizing a new logo that embodies the essence of student leadership to establishing a cohesive brand identity chart, the project encompassed both micro and macro elements of branding. Special attention was given to ensure seamless external and internal communication, reflecting the unity and purpose of the council. Additionally, the design of all visual supports was not only aesthetically compelling but also functionally tailored to cater to diverse events and initiatives. Through this rebrand, the BDE of CEU is not only poised to connect more effectively with its student base but also to assert its prominence in the broader university landscape.

CEU's Association Rebrand
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CEU's Association Rebrand

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