Shoaib Sha 的個人檔案

"The Wooden Egg - An Organic Parametric Nest"

A unique adobe with inspiration drawn from those who live in the nest. A Dwelling with a timber Shell of parametric curves and angles defining of aesthetics and intelligence through exploration of form and function, evoking a sense of wonder and curiosity to its inhabitants and on-lookers. Its gentle curves are an invitation to explore further, offering a glimpse into the fluidity of the interior spaces.

The choice of timber as the primary material for this residence not only offers it a warm and inviting ambiance but also embodies a sustainable spark, blending seamlessly with the natural world it inhabits. The timber facade, carefully sculpted to take on the gentle curvature of an egg, captures the essence of parametric design—a synthesis of art and mathematics.

Each curve and angle is meticulously crafted to optimize natural light, ventilation, and energy efficiency, enhancing the overall living experience while minimizing environmental impact. This residence stands as an abstractive art form of architecture's potential to elevate the human experience while celebrating the beauty and resilience of the natural world.
"The Wooden Egg - An Organic Parametric Nest"


"The Wooden Egg - An Organic Parametric Nest"
