Profil użytkownika „T. E. Langer”

Einstein 2.0 – He's Back

Einstein 2.0 – He's Back
A guy walks into my studio, requesting a "casual photo shoot."
The moment he steps through the door, I can't help but see… Albert Einstein.

As someone who has been fascinated by one of the greatest minds of the 20th century for years, I couldn't resist proposing the idea of capturing a few frames that pay tribute to A. Einstein in a humorous way, given this remarkable resemblance. I believe the real Einstein wouldn't have minded, considering he was not only a brilliant scientist but also an art enthusiast and musician.
The guy enthusiastically agreed, and the photo shoot turned out to be an absolute blast!

Now, let me reassure those more sensitive viewers that there was absolutely no harm done during this whimsical photo shoot, as one might assume from the triptych. Our makeup artist alone is "to blame" for his black eye. And Mr. Einstein 2.0 was wholeheartedly enjoying the experience.

And if anyone feels that I didn't do justice to the great A. Einstein with this goofy photo shoot, allow me to respond with a thought from the master himself:

"Despite the fact that I analyzed nine problems correctly, no one congratulated me. But when I made one mistake, everyone started laughing. This means that even if a person is successful, society will notice his slightest mistake. ... So don’t let criticism destroy your dreams. The only person who never makes a mistake is someone who does nothing."

This quote perfectly fits the story of our goofy photo shoot with "Einstein 2.0." Despite being one of the greatest scientists of all time, Einstein was not immune to making mistakes, and he recognized the importance of not letting criticism get in the way of pursuing one's dreams. Our Einstein look-alike, embraced this spirit of fun and creativity, and I hope that his photos will inspire others to do the same.
Einstein 2.0 – He's Back


Einstein 2.0 – He's Back
