Intimately Familiar 
The Aviary, Cobham Hall 
Group Exhibition 2019 

- of very personal or private nature (intimate secrets)
- marked by very close association, contact, or familiarity (intimate knowledge of...)
- belonging to or charachterizing one's deepest nature
- to communicate delicately and indirectly (hint)
- to make known especially publically or formally (announce)

- easy to recognise because of being seen, met, heard etc before (familiar faces)
- to know something or someone well (to be familiar with)
- informal and friendly, sometimes in a way that does not show respect to someone who is not a family member or close friend


Ty Locke
Charlie Turk
Sophie Lou
Amy Mahoney
Rosa Marouane
Melanie Jordan
Zhongwen Pan
Sarah Jackson
Kaushikee Gupta

Creative Team

Aino Paakko
Jayton Rowl-Alcide
Marie Cole 

Event Organiser

Katie Bowdery
It was important during the selection and curation process to link the artworks to its exhibiting environment. Particularly the tones and textures of the decaying walls of this historic building in the grounds of Cobham Hall, Kent. 
Intimately Familiar


Intimately Familiar
