Profil appartenant à Greenspace Design

Vertical Garden Supplier in Bangalore

Vertical Garden Supplier in Bangalore by GreenSpace Design Bangalore
Revitalize your living or working space with GreenSpace Design Bangalore, your premier Vertical Garden Supplier in Bangalore. We specialize in creating lush, space-efficient greenery, transforming walls and facades into living works of art. Our extensive selection of hardy, low-maintenance plants thrives in vertical environments, making them perfect for urban settings. Whether you seek a vibrant, eye-catching feature or a subtle, natural backdrop, we provide customizable designs to suit your needs. We're committed to sustainability, using eco-friendly practices and irrigation systems. Elevate your surroundings, improve air quality and experience the beauty of vertical gardens in Bangalore with our expert solutions.


132/3 Dispensary Road, (Narayana Chetty Road) 
Parallel Commercial Street, Bangalore-560001
Vertical Garden Supplier in Bangalore
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Vertical Garden Supplier in Bangalore

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