Profil appartenant à Milos Djurovic

"Škola Gaminga" (Gaminng School)

Gaming isn't just about fun.
It's a source of inspiration, creativity, and innovation.
"Škola Gaminga" (Gamming School) delves into the origins of video games, from the early days of pixelated adventures to the revolutionary milestones that have shaped the industry.
My assignment involved the creative conceptualization and production of an animated intro video for the 'Škola Gaminga' show. ​​​​​​​
A project aimed at bringing the history and educational aspects of the gaming world to life through captivating visuals and storytelling.
The project was made for KUVO tv.
The whole show!
"Škola Gaminga" (Gaminng School)
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"Škola Gaminga" (Gaminng School)

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