Salentein Experience

Salentein Experience

My co-equippers and I worked on a rebranding for the Argentine winery Salentein. 

Page extracted from the brandbook.

Most people don't know, but no other winery was on Valle de Uco before Salentein. Due to them, there are dozens of wineries now. 

They found the ground...

The Valle de Uco in Mendoza is not quite unknown anymore.

Salentein absorbed the philosophy of 'El Buen Vivir' (the good life) from local communities and recreated it in their own space.

The complex includes a chapel, an art space, an inn, a restaurant, and a state-of-the-art winery that produces some of the best wines in the world.

Page extracted from the brandbook.

It is from this perspective that the concept 'A Portal to the Good Life' was born. In Spanish, 'Portal al Buen Vivir'.

We understood that Salentein 

was not 

only a winery.

Page extracted from the brandbook.

Visiting Salentein is to experience a unique holistic experience based on a specific philosophy about living a dignified life in harmony and balance with the universe and humanity. In short, the fullness of life.

Page extracted from the brandbook.

We named the new brand 

Salentein Experience

Page extracted from the brandbook.

salentein experience

The rebranding featured a new communication strategy, a Salentein-friendly website prototyped in Figma based on End User Considerations, and a Transmedia Map with Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, and Spotify posts.

Page extracted from the brandbook.

killka art space

La Posada

Page extracted from the brandbook.
Page extracted from the brandbook.
Page extracted from the brandbook.
Page extracted from the brandbook.

Thanks for your support! :)
Salentein Experience