Ashley Vanneste's profileKristína Lednická's profile


*Firstly, based on 20 testimonials from agency travellers, we have identified recurring themes, preferences, and pain points to gain a deep understanding of the agency's potential users and transformed them into our 2 archetypes.
*Secondly, based on the collected insights, we have create 2 well-defined personas that represent the different types of agency travellers.
*The Mindmaps represent our thought process when brainstorming and developing valuable content ideas for the agency new website based on our travel persona goals, behaviours, needs and frustrations.
*In the part of Minimal Content, we have listed an elements of the travel agency' website that we consider as an essential part of the website and therefore, it's necessary to present them on the website.
*In the part Websites used for inspiration, we have listed a content elements from different websites, that we believe would be useful for our travel agency. The content elements were selected based on aspirations of our travel personas.
*Based on features and preferences of our personas, we have recommended a specific content elements for the agency's website, listed in the Content Matrix
Figure 1. Humphreys, A. LIVING ADVENTUROUSLY (2012). Available on October 16, 2023, from 

Figure 2. Manson, M. 5 Minutes That Might Change Your Life (2023). Available on October 17, 2023, from 

Figure 3. Lamb, S. The most caring online fitness community in the galaxy (2023). Available on October 18, 2023, from  

Figure 4. Berry, J. The Story of THE GOONIES. Available on October 17, 2023, from 

Figure 5. Electra (2023). Available on October 17, 2023, from



Creative Fields