Rafaela Henriques profiliLuiza Demianchuk profili

Experience Design - Personas

Based on the gathered insights, we meticulously crafted two distinct personas that comprehensively capture the diverse spectrum of traveler types.
Content Matrix
We generated invaluable content concepts for the upcoming website, offering precise content components and features tailored to our personas.
Creation process
1. Creation of archtypes
Our archetypes were derived from an assortment of travel reviews provided by 20 individuals. To kickstart the process of creating our final work, we initially assigned each review a unique number. This numbering system served as a practical aid, facilitating the subsequent grouping and analysis of the reviews.
We've crafted our two personas around two archetypes: the 'Universal Traveler' and the 'Adaptable Nomad.' In developing these personas, we took a deliberate approach to distill common characteristics shared by most individuals within each archetype. Our objective was to create a singular representative who would resonate with a broad audience, effectively embodying the essence of these archetypes. This involved a thoughtful exploration of their identity, preferences, defining features, and apprehensions.
2. Creation of Personas
Based on the collected insights, we created 2 well-defined personas that represent the full range of different types of travelers. Each persona include demographic information (comprising age and gender, determined through the calculated averages from our travel reviews), travel motivations, goals, challenges, digital preferences and a fictional backstory that humanizes them.
After completing the initial persona draft, we carefully contemplated the factors that distinguish each persona and analyzed their potential preferences and dislikes by leveraging the provided data.
The choices of Noah's and Ana's prefered brands
Ana, with her love for nature and adventure, might gravitate towards brands that align with her values and cater to outdoor and travel enthusiasts. Some brands she might appreciate include:

- Osprey: Known for their backpacks and gear, Osprey caters to backpackers and trekkers who appreciate durability and functionality.
- Merrell: This brand offers comfortable and durable footwear for hikers and outdoor enthusiasts.
- GoPro: Perfect for capturing her adventures, GoPro's cameras are often used by travelers and outdoor enthusiasts to document their experiences.
Noah, with his love for culture, history, and social experiences, may appreciate brands that offer cultural, comfortable, and reliable travel options. Some brands he might resonate with include:

- TripAdvisor: A reliable platform that offers reviews, recommendations, and bookings for travelers who appreciate a well-planned trip.
- Lonely Planet: Known for its travel guides, Lonely Planet provides detailed insights into cultural and historical experiences.
- Tumi: Known for its durable and stylish luggage and travel accessories, Tumi can offer both reliability and comfort.
3. Creation of Content Matrix
Competitive Research - Essential Content
In our competitive research, we conducted an in-depth analysis of several prominent websites, including booking.com, exodustravels.com, expedia.com, and agoda.com. This investigation aimed to identify the fundamental components necessary for a travel agency's website.
List of Essential Content
- Stays (Place of destination, day of the trip and number of travelers);
- Flights;
- Offers;
- Travel packages;
- Destinations suggestions;
- Contact information;
We created a mind map based on our persona's characteristics and preferences and explored non-topic related sources for external insights. Ultimately, the gathered information is organized into a content matrix, guiding our content strategy to meet our persona's expectations.
Extra Content
Based on the values of our two personas, we have strategically identified extra content that aligns with their needs and complements our travel agency website. We have been mindful not to overwhelm with excessive information, aiming to offer users a streamlined experience when planning their trips. Our primary goal is to empower them to plan their journeys in the most efficient and enjoyable manner.
Inspiration Websites
1. (National Geographic, n.d.)
2. (Men’s and Women’s Independent Streetwear I Lazy Oaf, n.d.)​​​​​​​
3.(Fjällräven AB, n.d.)​​​​​​​
4.(Nikon, n.d.)
Group Reflection
Our collaborative experience on this assignment was exceptionally positive. We established a strong synergy, effectively listening to one another's perspectives and seamlessly amalgamating our ideas to conceive something new, beyond the reach of our individual efforts. We not only relished the task but also found it to flow smoothly. The initial hurdles we encountered included the challenge of categorizing and grouping the reviews in a logical manner. Initially, we aimed for every member of our archetypes to be a perfect fit, yet we soon recognized the nuances that make each individual unique. As a result, we adapted our approach and were content with our choices. Subsequently, we were brimming with ideas, which prompted the need to discern and prioritize the most meaningful ones. In the end, our collaboration was fruitful, and we eagerly anticipate the opportunity to work together again.
1.National Geographic. (n.d.). National Geographic. https://www.nationalgeographic.com/
2. Men’s and women’s independent streetwear I lazy oaf. (n.d.). Lazy Oaf. https://www.lazyoaf.com/
3. Fjällräven AB. (n.d.). Fjallraven Home. https://www.fjallraven.com/eu/en-gb
4. Nikon Consumer. (n.d.). Nikon. https://www.nikon.com/consumer/
Experience Design - Personas
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Experience Design - Personas

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