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Thoughts & Graphic Stuff

This is a personal assessment and expression of how my philosophy was built on what I’d learned and seen throughout my short life as a graphic design student. Thoughts & Graphic Stuff is kid-like book addressed to all adults. I stongly believe it should be simple to build a better society, but why aren't we? This book portrays my dream of experiencing a much-conscious world, where little decisions are taken for granted just for the sake of seeking a better outcome. The content of this book is written and illustrated in such simplicity that a kid could understand it but invites all adults to wake up and act now.
My life may not be appealing to others but Thought’s & Graphic Stuff's printed finishes may fool whomever finds it on a bookshelf. 
Thoughts & Graphic Stuff
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Thoughts & Graphic Stuff

A kid-themed piece that expresses thoughts about what I've experienced so far in my life and a call to action for all adults: To leave behind som Lire la suite

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