nayara amaral's profile

To Master , Sony world Awards

   To Master: Sony world photography Awards 
MY "Home " project 
Brief: For the Sony project brief, we must enter the Sony competition. The competition Requires we provide 5-10 images from a theme they give us which in this case our theme is "home". we must come up with an idea from this theme and create at leats 5-10 images with a written explanation of our project. 

Week 1: For our first week we went over our brief and had a video call with one of the directors from Sony he explained the rules and what is expected when entering the competition. We also went over some of our doubts and started already trying to plan out our ideas and what we could think of producing with the theme home. 

I started off by putting up a question pole on instagram asking people what home meant to them. Most people answered that where they felt the most like themselves or safe felt like home to them. I then began to realise that where I felt most at home was also where I could feel like myself the most and I started to write down my idea and kind of where I wanted to take this project. Below are my notes that I took. 
When growing up in a different country means also getting used to and living around different culture. I began to realise that it wasn't just anywhere where I felt at home, Because I feel the most myself when I am in environments that represent me , the food I eat, the language I speak and those who understand my culture to this is why I chose to base my project on 'Brazilian household in London". 
Week 2
Below are some notes and planning and the development of ideas for shooting the Home project.
Below is my presentation powerpoint. It explains my ideas and how I would develop the shoot and planning my shoot. 
This is the link to my powerpoint :

The reference I was inspired by was a Brazilian Lifestyle Photographer ​​​​​​​
I started off by doing some photographer research in order to fully understand what I could include and where I could be more inspired. Sometimes looking at other photographers work gives you a head start and allows your ideas to expand so below is all my Photographers research. 
Below is my shot list of things I Planned to shoot. 
All the Equipment used for Shooting was: 
Camera: Sony A7 Mark III
Lense: Sigma 4/24-105mm lense 
My Raw Images: 

Brazilian household in London
Model release Forms
Sony World Photography Awards
My Final Work Results: 
Evaluation of Work: I am very happy with the final outcome of my work. it was not easy picking a shoot that most resembled home to me. my home isn't like everyones home but I realised that was my niche and would make an amazing story of how your culture is brought with you. if I was to reshoot I would make is a series of different family members doing different things, I would also challenge myself and by going to different Brazilian family homes and trying to find the similarities in how they have brought the Brazilian culture into their homes and the differences too. 

To Master , Sony world Awards

To Master , Sony world Awards


Creative Fields