Profil appartenant à Brandfusion DesignProfil appartenant à Ștefan-Andrei Ferencz

Dental Excelence


The Dental Excellence business started like most dental offices in Romania - offering the services of a specialist doctor and increasing the number of patients through recommendations.
Gradually, the medical team expanded, specializations diversified, and the package of services expanded. The development also meant moving to a larger space, purchasing new equipment and moving from office to clinic status.

Branding Solution

From the beginning of the project we wanted to understand the triggers that move the Dental Excellence team.
We have interviewed the entrepreneurs, challenged different people from the team to work together to identify brand attributes and understood the philosophy that the medical coordinator, Dr. Luisa Caragea, uses to attract and motivate her colleagues.

We have continued with the rebranding process by interviewing active and lost patients to find out the reasons they had chosen Dental Excellence, their perceptions on the clinic and their expectations from a brand covering this category.

The answers confirmed what the team had highlighted - a different treatment towards the patients, more thoughtful, friendly relationships with the medics and an overall feeling of safety and support.

HUMAN CAREGIVING - the promise of a brand that cares

Medicine is based on a profound human relationship - the pure motivation of helping your kind. Over time the relationships between doctors and patients have become less and less human. Doctors have turned into these unapproachable beings, always right and proud-hearted and patients have grown to feel inferior and uncertain of their role.

Dental Excellence is dedicated to recreating this close connection between doctors and their patients by treating people in the most human manner, so as to provoke a human behavior to be paid forward. Hence the brand value proposition: Human care giving. A promise backed up by a couple of principles, such as: openness, honesty, collaboration and empathy.

The symbol of a different kind of caring

For the new brand identity we wanted to convey this idea of humanity first and to find ways to visibly differentiate the brand within a category that over uses specific symbols such as teeth and smiles.
We have created a powerful symbol, with geometric roots, by reimagining key elements that define the brand. In its final form, the symbol conveys the care and protection that Dental Excellence offers to its patients.

For the color palette we have chosen strong and powerful colors, close to the medical field, and able to accommodate all types of communications.  We have chosen three main colors (purpose for empathy, clean bleu for the openness and esthetic pink for care), and added two secondary ones to bring warmth and reliability when used in communication materials.

An identity that covers brand extensions

We have also designed the rules for the brand extension towards different kind of services, starting with services provided to kids. For Dental Excellence Junior, we have accommodated the brand identity with a different imagery style and we have created differentiation in terms of colors to be used in communication.

Rules to implement the brand identity

The basic brand guide sets the rules of usage for the newly created brand identity: logo format, positioning, minimum space, color palette and typeface. It is a good instrument to be used by anyone who develops brand communication as it ensures coherency and consistency at every touch point.  


A value proposition relevant to patients and team as well
A brand idea that differentiates within the category
A brand identity that helps the positioning within a new brand category
Coherent and consistent visual brand communication.


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Dental Excelence
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Dental Excelence

Rebranding a dental clinic. We created a symbol with geometric roots that conveys the human care & protection that Dental Excellence offers to it Lire la suite

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