Big Sur Coast June 2014

Morro Bay Harbor and Powerhouse from deck of Vision.
Mitredea in a field of Corynactus with barnacles 
Barnacle feeding in a Cornyactus field
Frilled Dogwinkle shell
Fabellina nudibranch
Jeweled Topshell with the snail visible
A pair of Cowries with their mantles covering part of the shell and a tube worm hiding all on a white sponge
Big Sur Coast with marine layer clouds burning off
McWay Waterfall along the Big Sur Coast
Sealions lounging in the sun on an offshore rock
Morro Rock as Vision returned to dock after 4 days of exciting diving
Sunset to the west of the Big Sur Coast
A pod of Humpback whales were feeding and we spent almost an hour watching them.  This COMPOSITE brings together some of their dives
Big Sur Coast June 2014

Big Sur Coast June 2014

Images from the June, 2014 Big Sur dive trip on M/V Vision
