Nasar Khans profil

Elite Exlusive Brand Design

Elite Exclusive Case Study
Client: Elite Exclusive
Industry: Ecommerce
Challenge: To design a new brand identity for an e-commerce website selling exclusive items, including home appliances and electronic devices.
The new brand identity for Elite Exclusive is designed to convey a sense of luxury, exclusivity, and quality. The logo is a bold and modern design that features the brand name in a flowing, interconnected script. The red circle symbolizes the exclusivity of the brand and its high standards.
The brand's colors are red and black, which are associated with luxury, power, and sophistication. The typography is elegant and refined, and the overall design is clean and minimalist.
The new brand identity for Elite Exclusive has been well-received by customers and the media has seen a significant increase in sales since the launch of the new identity.
"We are thrilled with the new brand identity that Nasar has created for us. It perfectly captures the spirit of our brand and sets us apart from our competitors." - CEO, Elite Exclusive
The new brand identity for Elite Exclusive is a success story that demonstrates the power of design to create a strong and memorable brand.
Image Feedback:
The logo for Elite Exclusive is a strong and modern design. The use of a flowing script font creates a sense of elegance and sophistication, while the red circle symbolizes the exclusivity of the brand.
The placement of the red circle is also interesting. It is not centered on the text, but instead cuts through it from the right side. This creates a sense of dynamism and movement, and it also helps to highlight the word "Exclusive."
Overall, the logo is a well-designed and effective representation of the Elite Exclusive brand.
Elite Exlusive Brand Design


Elite Exlusive Brand Design
