Profilo di Mariia Soloviova

Oksana Zabuzhko — “Archimedes' new principle”

 “Archimedes' new principle” 

My art-book reflection on the poem of Oksana Zabuzhko — “Archimedes' new principle” 

Моя арт-бук рефлексія на вірш Оксани Забужко «Новий закон Архімеда» та головну фразу продовж всього вірша «Не руш моїх кіл»

In edition of only two books in two different colours and in two different languages – the original Ukrainian and the translation English.

This project lasted almost a year, first it was a conscious choice of poetry for a thesis, and now it has become a self-sufficient work that served as therapy for me throughout the creation process. At first, Oksana Zabuzhko's words “Don’t touch my circles” sounded like delineating the boundaries of me as a Ukrainian, taking away our land territorially and mentally, but now these words have gained meaning for me, as a person who protects and defends the borders not only by nationality, but also by soul.

The concept and research:

The concept of how I would like to convey this feeling of being torn apart by other circumstances, people, and events appeared immediately. But the presentation itself and how visually it could coincide with the whimsical character of the author, and with the expressiveness of the feeling of this rupture and lack of support and security, and at the same time with the book code, came to me only later.
The concept is how a being/person/circumstance (abstract image) intervenes in someone's life, thereby destroying the structure and form of perception of another person, generally leading to the consequences of the disintegration of the personality.

Oksana Zabuzhko — “Archimedes' new principle”


Oksana Zabuzhko — “Archimedes' new principle”
