SOFO AGORI's profile

INCON® Container Wholesale

INCON®, container wholesale.

"Solucionamos tu espacio de una manera sustentable"

Llevamos containers desmontables a cualquier rincón del mundo y creamos tu espacio de forma innovadora y amigable con el medio ambiente.

Creamos casas, comercios, espacios para guardar y mucho más. 

Los containers son rescatados y reciclados para darle una segunda vida. Prácticos y desmontables hacen que sea una gran opción.

"We solve your space in a sustainable way"

We bring demotable containers to any corner of the world and create your space in an innovative and environmentally friendly way.

We create homes, businesses, storage spaces and much more.

The containers are rescued and recycled to give them a second life. Practical and demotable make it a great option.

INCON® Container Wholesale


INCON® Container Wholesale

Incon Container wholesale is in charge of recovering and giving a second life to containers abandoned in large ports, we convert them into remova Read More
