9852 Pavilions
This project comprised 60 pavilions of the aforementioned 9852
generated parametrically using one classical profile
and 60 different revolution rails
Completed March 16th 2020 and submitted as midterm project
for CAAD/CAM II course under Prof. Federico Garrido
Tools used - Rhino 3D, Grasshopper
The vertical profile section was extracted from this Palladio reference 
(notice the right-hand edge of the building)
Combining both profile section and rail 
led to the generation of pavilion structures, as seen above
The "classicism" of the pavilion varied greatly depending on the rail,
despite them all having the same vertical profile
Some were more 
than others
I'd say they were all pretty cool though.
9852 Pavilions
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9852 Pavilions

Creating my 60 pavilions as part of the 9852.

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