Henkilön Oyin Omole profiili

Organique E-com shop case study

Imagine a world where you can mix and match body parts like you're building a custom LEGO set for your very own, one-of-a-kind, human masterpiece. Sounds like science fiction, right? Well, fasten your seatbelts, because we're about to take you on a whimsical journey into the "Organique" project, where the extraordinary meets the ordinary, and body parts become the canvas for your wildest imagination. Ever wished you could swap your mundane, everyday hands for something a bit more exciting? How about giving those run-of-the-mill eyes an upgrade, so you can spot your favorite snacks from a mile away? Join us as we explore a world where bioengineering collides with your creative whims, and trust us, it's a ride you won't want to miss. Buckle up, dear viewer, and get ready to dive into a bio-venture like no other!

So this was an e-comm project for my web design class. We were instructed to make an E-comm website using the program Figma. We could pick whatever we want to sell. I came up with this idea when my friend and I were talking about how cool it would be if you could just switch out different parts of yourself based on occasion. For if you're going swimming to have water legs, or lungs that can breathe underwater, etc. This is my case study of this project. I have a walkthrough video at the end!

While I was designing this, I wanted the website to give off a professional feel. A website the general population can trust, not something creepy. So I stuck with a muted simple color pallet, and simple typography.
This is my hero section. Initially, I was going to add an Image to the background, but it looked too busy so I stuck with the grey.
This is my mockup of the main shop page.
The next few images are my wireframes for this website. Like I mentioned earlier I used Figma.
This is one of my favorite aspects of my website. Though it was a bit hard to prototype, I designed it so that you can click between the different color options, and see how the different colors look on different people. You'll see more in the video.
Organique E-com shop case study

Organique E-com shop case study
