Tadayon Wafer Crisp:
When designing the packaging for the wafer crisp product, I took into consideration several key factors to make it visually appealing and enticing for potential consumers.
First and foremost, I focused on using bright and attractive colors. I understand that vibrant hues tend to catch the eye and create a sense of excitement. By incorporating a visually striking color palette, I aimed to make the product stand out on the shelf and draw attention to it amidst the sea of other products.
Additionally, I paid attention to the overall design layout. I ensured that the packaging had a clean and organized appearance, making it easy for consumers to understand the product and its key features at a glance. Clear and concise information about the wafer crisp, such as the flavor, ingredients, and nutritional details, were prominently displayed for easy readability.
Furthermore, I considered the typography and font choice. I selected a font that was legible and visually appealing, while also aligning with the overall branding and image of the product. The typography played a crucial role in conveying the product's personality and creating a connection with the target audience.

