Earlier in the day, I asked him if he was nervous, and he replied with a calm smile, "No, I actually feel very calm."

However, as the minutes ticked away while she was away with her friends, he began to express his impatience. He paced about, occasionally murmuring to himself, rehearsing his lines to ensure a flawless delivery.

As the anticipation built, he finally settled down to read his proposal speech. And then, the moment arrived. She entered the scene, and he gracefully rose from his seat, heading towards her, as she made her way to her designated spot. In his mind, questions swirled about why Nikky was walking away and where she might be headed.

The rest, as they say, is history. He dropped to one knee, made his heartfelt proposal, and her joyful "Yes!" filled the room.

Amidst the dinner's warmth and laughter, one of Nike's friends chimed in, saying, "Pojo, Nike always says, 'Pojo is my guy,' and there's no one I can imagine marrying except you." Laughter echoed through the room, but it soon yielded to a contemplative hush, as those words hung in the air.

For me, as I watched her reaffirm those words once more, it became evident why he felt not a hint of nervousness. He had discovered a partner who effortlessly made every step of this journey seem like a natural, unchallenging path.

In her, he found someone who stood ready and excited to embark on life's adventure by his side, unwavering through any storm.

Truly, love is a beautiful thing.
You are my Guy


You are my Guy


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