Henry Schmitz 的個人檔案

Monotype Grotesque: London's Roaring Twenties

Monotype Grotesque: London's roaring twenties
Monotype Grotesque: London's roaring Twenties, explores the loose relationship between the typeface Monotype Grotesque which was made in London in the 1920's and the London city zoo. Through thoughtful organization of type, content, and imagery, the booklet pushes the viewer to find connections between seemingly unrelated items on each spread. This booklet challenged me to create an organizational system which keeps the content relating to the typeface and the content relating to the London Zoo separate, but allow them to still mix with each other enough for the viewer to find implied relationships. This project was created to be printed.
Monotype Grotesque: London's Roaring Twenties


Monotype Grotesque: London's Roaring Twenties
