Claudia Alcalá sin profil

Museo del Vaquero de las Californias (MuVaCa)

Museo del Vaquero de las Californias (MuVaCa)
Ándale La Paz, a civic association, chose us to develop the Museo del Vaquero de las Californias (MuVaCa) project from scratch. We started from 
the proof of concept of the scripting in collaboration with subject matter specialists from Southern California, through the research and acquisition of historical pieces, to the design and manufacturing of the museography. A distinctive feature of this museum includes original works by renowned 
artists and a diversity of interactive experiences. The MuVaCa Museum was open to the public in November 2022. Like the Silver Route Museum, 
the MuVaCa is located in El Triunfo, Baja California Sur.
Museo del Vaquero de las Californias (MuVaCa)


Museo del Vaquero de las Californias (MuVaCa)
