Henkilön Pavan Kumar profiili

Mudrika Company Branding

I had the privilege of collaborating with Mudrika Company, a renowned luxury fashion brand, to create a brand identity that embodies elegance, sophistication, and timeless style. Our concept, "Crafted Elegance," merges traditional craftsmanship with contemporary aesthetics. The bespoke logo, rich color palette, and custom typography exude exclusivity. We extended the brand identity across various collateral materials, creating a seamless and immersive brand experience that resonates with both existing and new clientele.
The Mudrika Company Luxury Fashion Branding project is a testament to design's power in capturing a brand's essence. It successfully marries tradition and innovation, attracting discerning fashion enthusiasts. My dedication to crafting meaningful brand experiences shines through in this project, where luxury meets artistry, and elegance finds its voice in the world of fashion.
Mudrika Company Branding


Mudrika Company Branding
