Profiel van Eduardo Martins

CT4105 – 2D Platformer Tutorial Level

CT4105 – 2D Platformer Tutorial Level
Concept drawing of game level/ideas of layout potential accessibility 
Concept and description of potential ideas for the demo/ 2Dgame
More Concept of ideas and what to implement possibly
References of colours, clothing etc.
Another reference of colours or theme of game art style etc.
Reference for bad guys clothing within the game as NPCS
Reference for a road idea and colours and texture for pixel design
Research in era of time for the game and use of buildings within that time line
Lamp ideas and references to know what to design depending on final thoughts and designs
Bullet idea for what to design as a prop or bullet animation
Game demo layout with health pick ups and colliders based on the player getting damaged, documentation(Evidence) to gather to get points, progress the game, teleporters between certain objects, moveable platforms to transport the player to higher areas, NPC to talk to and have a conversation gain hints.
Game Menu and loading screen, play to start the game and loads to the game scene or quit to leave and exit the game
Yes and no after following quit feature
CT4105 – 2D Platformer Tutorial Level

CT4105 – 2D Platformer Tutorial Level


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