Profil von Mittu Bose

Car Infotainment UI

Imagine transforming a dashboard into a symphony of touch, holographic, and voice magic. That's exactly what I did, crafting an infotainment system so intuitive, even your backseat critic becomes a co-pilot. Buckle up for a UX adventure that takes passenger comfort to the next level!
The Problem:
"Modern cars are tech havens, but their infotainment systems can be an ergonomic nightmare. Buttons galore, confusing menus, and screens demanding surgeon-like precision – all while hurtling down the highway. Our client, a leading car manufacturer, knew it was time to ditch the frustration and deliver in-car bliss.​​​​​​​"
Role / Scope / Process / Tools
UX designer, Visual Designer / 20 weeks / Research, Interview, ideation, prototyping, testing / XD, Milanote
How Might We (HMW):
My mission: create an infotainment system that puts passengers in control, without distracting the driver. We needed to be intuitive, elegant, and adaptable to diverse needs, from tech-savvy teens to silver-haired grandparents.
Enter the UX Stage: ​​​​​​​
To understand our audience, we embarked on a deep dive. User interviews revealed a symphony of complaints – hidden features, confusing layouts, and the ever-present fear of accidental climate control wars. Persona building helped us identify key user groups, from tech-savvy control freaks to hands-off movie enthusiasts.
Facing the Adversity:
Our biggest challenge? Designing for a moving target, literally. Every button press, every holographic projection had to be safe, accessible, and distraction-free for the driver. To conquer this challenge, we embraced iterative design. Low-fidelity prototypes were tested, gathering user feedback in real-time. We fine-tuned interactions, optimized layouts, and ensured every feature felt natural and safe.
From Buttons to Bliss:
Step by step, we transformed the dashboard. Child locks, parking assistance morphed into an animated virtual copilot, and the infotainment system projected itself onto the passenger headboard, granting control without reaching. We even introduced a holographic health assistant, ready to dial for help at the first sniffle.
Beyond the Case Study:
This project taught me the magic of designing for diverse needs within a confined space. By prioritizing user-centricity and innovative thinking, we turned a potential hazard into a source of delight. And that's a story worth telling on any roadtrip.​​​​​​​
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Car Infotainment UI


Car Infotainment UI

