Project Harvest
Project Harvest trains community members neighboring resource extraction to measure the quality of rainwater, soil and plants. 

As the Information Designer on the Project Harvest team, my role is to ...

1. Create the look and feel of the project by designing a logo strategy (see process below) and promotional materials.
2. Design all of the online media for phone, tablet, and computer viewing: including the website, social media posts, and data visualization interface.
Preview the website here.

3. Design the data visualizations. This process consisted of presenting multiple data-vis options in various settings - to a specialized team of scientists, internal and external advisory boards, and health workers from each community. This process, called formative evaluation, ensures that the visualizations are easily comprehended, while maintaining the integrity of the data.

Many of our users live in rural towns and do not have access to internet. The data was distributed through results booklets and an interactive website interface.
4. Design the packaging and the instructional manual for the participant sampling kit, which contains all of the supplies they need for environmental sample collection.
5. Design all mailers, newsletters, flyers, and posts that get sent to the participants.
6. Create video animations to explain what the project is and how to interpret the data.
Project Harvest

Project Harvest


Creative Fields