Minh Quân and Việt Anh are getting married!! And I have an idea about a gift for this lovely couple. I've been contemplating making my first zine, and I've thought a lot about this initial concept. And the gift for Minh Quân came to mind, a 8-pages zine dedicated to her!!!

The idea behind this zine revolves solely around Minh Quân and her life. It includes my perspectives on her, as well as the memories we shared during our school days. I carefully selected the best topics about her: her personality, favorite TV show, pets, and her significant other. I then laid out these ideas in the zine in a particular order, starting with general aspects and progressing to the shared memories of both Quân and Anh.

Minh Quân's Personalities & her favorite TV show "How I Met Your Mother"
I chose the yellow umbrella, the blue French horn, and the red boots to symbolize HIMYM, and I also cut them out and pasted them on top.

A double page illustration, I also decorated with stickers

Minh Quân & Việt Anh’s pets, from top to bottom: Mono, Siêm, Nheo & Audi / The other page features a few small illustrations depicting 3 significant milestones of the couple: from dating → engagement → marriage.​​​​​​​

