For some countries the fight for Freedom of Speech is a constant struggle. Amnesty International asked for help in creating a campaign to raise awareness to this global challenge.

"How can we turn this fight from local to global? 1 tweet did it."

The year was 2013. Twitter was still a text-only platform with its 140 characters per tweet. We created a hotsite where "censored tweets" were generated with a single click, customized for each user. They could then be published like any other tweet and seen by all followers. These tweets were impossible to be ignored for being the only "non-text" material in everyone's feeds.

Tweet by tweet the movement got stronger and in less than a month more the 115 million people in over 120 countries participated in this "first visual campaign ever made on Twitter", winner of 3 Gold Lions in the Cannes International Advertising Festival.


A simple tweet started a global online movement against censorship.
