Profilo di Jude Abdulhadi

The 'Ride' Sequel (Development)

Our eyes are ready to reshape the predictable thought of how Vegetable and Fruit shops look like. 
All three displays are ergonomic designs made out of acrylic glass, holding big quantities of a specific good. They consume the space vertically and have extra storage in the bottom for better organization. It is ready to take you for a ride with its downward falling motion.
The 'Ride' Sequel
Final Poster
Blast to the past: How the product and distribution of the product in the shop looked like before develeopment.
Ride: Development sketches.
Developed product shop shot: A shot of how the shop may be organized according to the customer's wishes of having pieces placed outside.
Three side doors for better cleaning reach and change of any damaged shelves.
Ride Description
Ride II Development Sketches
Ride II 
Ride II Description
Ride I: Developement Sketches
Ride I Description
Hope you enjoyed the ride!
The 'Ride' Sequel (Development)

The 'Ride' Sequel (Development)

Designing products to utilize the space of an existing local Fruit & Vegetable shop in an efficient way.
