49 Days of Gujarati
An event to bring Gujarati language with communication, vision, love for and from all artist and non-artist.
Uniting to bring you unique Gujarati typography in 2023 🌟✨ 
Eventing 49 days of Gujarati by @49daysofgujarati 
they bring gujarati language and typography new vision, love, admire, knowledge to language understanding.

Currently we posted few post they are going to upto 49 days posting on Instagram. Kindly check and follow link attached. And support and love ❤️ to Gujarati language. 

With collabration to our founder and artist Nikul Patel @nikuldesign we created all post. So follow him also 🙏.

Also dont forgot to check & follow our instagram page at
 @puppetstree 👈.  

49 Days of Gujarati


49 Days of Gujarati
